外语真重要 有一次,一只大老鼠和一只小老鼠在洞外散步。突然,一只猫堵住洞口,张牙舞爪扑来。老鼠拼命跑,猫就使劲追。就在山穷水尽时,小老鼠回过头,冲着猫大叫一声:“汪汪”。猫竟然被吓跑了。大老鼠夸道:“行啊,还会一手,厉害!”小老鼠一抹汗,感叹说:“看来掌握一门外语非常重要啊!”
Moss wiping rats Mother rats suspected her husband has an affair, she bushes adjacent to the track her husband. While, a hedgehog from the holes drilled out. Mother rats Yezhu a hedgehog, said: "Sigui, said not an affair? Shining so many mousse to seduce Shuixia?"
擦摩丝的老鼠 母老鼠怀疑老公有外遇,她跟踪老公到草丛旁。一会儿,一只刺猬从洞里钻出来。母老鼠一把拽住刺猬说:“死鬼,还说没外遇?擦这么多摩丝去勾引谁呀?”
Rats to the toilet Rats to the benefit of, see also Xiong, did not Qisheng, bears saw a rat, and said: "You do not Picking out?" To the rats Chisuo not language. Xiong asked: "Picking out not ah, do you?" Rats nervously and said: "can not……" Xiong seize a mouse butt wipe away!
老鼠上厕所 老鼠去方便,见熊也在,吓得不敢吱声,熊看了老鼠一眼,说:“你掉不掉毛?”老鼠哆嗦了一下不语。熊又问:“掉不掉毛啊,你?”老鼠战战兢兢地说:“不掉……” 熊一把抓住老鼠擦擦屁股走了!
A little boy asked his father: Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?The father replied: I don 't know son. I 'm still paying!!