Zombie sits by my side

On September 2, actors and dancers, dressed up like zombies, promoted the musical show "Forever, King of Pop", based on Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in the Northern Spanish city of Bilbao. An unidentified woman screams as she realizes that a man dressed up like a zombie is sitting next to her.
9月2日,西班牙北部城市毕尔巴鄂,一群演员和舞者扮成僵尸的模样,在推广根据迈克?杰克逊MTV "Thriller" 改编的音乐剧“永远的流行天王”。一位不知道姓名的女人看到坐在旁边的是一位扮成僵尸的男人,吓得惊叫起来。

On September 2, actors and dancers, dressed up like zombies, promoted the musical show "Forever, King of Pop", based on Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in the Northern Spanish city of Bilbao.
9月2日,西班牙北部城市毕尔巴鄂,一群演员和舞者扮成僵尸的模样,在推广根据迈克?杰克逊MTV "Thriller" 改编的音乐剧“永远的流行天王”。

On September 2, actors and dancers, dressed up like zombies, promoted the musical show "Forever, King of Pop", based on Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in the Northern Spanish city of Bilbao.
9月2日,西班牙北部城市毕尔巴鄂,一群演员和舞者扮成僵尸的模样,在推广根据迈克?杰克逊MTV "Thriller" 改编的音乐剧“永远的流行天王”。