2010年4月10日,波兰总统专机在俄罗斯坠机事件,莱赫.卡钦斯基及一行130人全部遇难,作文地带特提供其英文介绍提供给读者查看.。莱赫·卡钦斯基英文名:Lech Kaczynski

莱赫·卡钦斯基 Lech Kaczynski照片
A plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski crashed near the Smolensk airport in western Russia Saturday, killing the president and all 96 people on board.
Lech Kaczynski, took office after winning the presidential election run-off in October, 2005. Before that, he was Mayor of the country's capital city Warsaw.
Kaczynski was born in Warsaw in June, 1949. He and his twin brother, Jaroslaw, are child movie stars who won fame in the 1962 movie "The Two Who Stole the Moon," about two troublemakers who try to get rich by stealing the moon and selling it.
Kaczynski, 60, had been a law professor at Gdansk University from 1991 to 1997. Later he taught at the Law School of Warsaw University, where he graduated in 1971.
The president, a Solidarity activist, became a senator in 1991 after serving as a representative to the National Assembly since 1989.
He had been the country's prosecutor-general and justice minister in a previous center-right government before he was elected the mayor of Warsaw in 2002.
Kaczynski became well known for he banned the Warsaw gay movement parade in 2004 and 2005, locally known as the Parada Rownosci, stating the lack of necessary documentation by organizers as the reason.
Kaczynski and Jaroslaw formed the socially conservative Law and Justice party in 2001 under the banner of developing the country's education and economy, fighting corruption and reforming rural areas.
He was married to an economist and has one daughter.
莱赫·卡钦斯基 (Lech Kaczynski) 1949年6月18日出生于波兰首都华沙一个普通的工人家庭。儿童时代,他与孪生哥哥雅罗斯瓦夫·卡钦斯基因在影片《偷月二人行》中成功扮演一对“小无赖”而成为轰动一时的童星。1971年,卡钦斯基与哥哥一起毕业于华沙大学法律系,10年后又分别获得法律学博士学位。1991年至1997年,卡钦斯基在格但斯克大学法学院任职,1998年任教于华沙大学。