According to the Daily Mail of September 13, cocker spaniel were originally bred as hunting dogs who would think nothing of gobbling up a tiny bird as a tasty snack. But Flint the cocker spaniel went against all his natural instincts to befriend a tiny sparrow which had tumbled out of its nest and crash-landed in the garden in Wiltshire, UK.
Appearing in great danger, the tiny sparrow tumbled on to the lawn, but softy Flint appeared to have taken pity on him.
英国每日邮报9月13日报道,可卡犬最初是被培育成猎犬,这种品种的犬从不会把吞食一只小鸟当做美餐当一回事。 但是在英国威尔特郡一只叫“弗林特”的可卡犬却表现出有悖天性的事情,那就是和一只不幸从鸟窝中掉下来的小麻雀成为好朋友。

