According to the Daily Telegraph of September 20, the world's ten most unanswerable questions include "what is the meaning of life", "does God exist", showed a study made by Ask Jeeves, a popular search engine in US.
The search engine has now compiled what it describes as a top ten of "unanswerables" – the posers where there is no simple answer – based on more than a billion questions it has been asked in the last decade. They include everything from the taxing question "what is love" to "who is the most famous person in the world?" Other weighty issues include mortality, the secret of happiness and even whether blondes have more fun.
Nadia Kelly, of Ask Jeeves, said: "Jeeves prides himself on being able to answer 16 million questions a month and has been doing so for ten years now. But even we have to admit that occasionally there is going to be a question where there is no simple answer so we're letting our users do it themselves."