
China is gearing up to turn its northeastern rust belt, once the centerpiece of Chairman Mao's planned economy, into the country's next engine of growth.
There is no turning back. That much, Iron Man knows.
The bus is starting to roll down the rutted dirt road in Dongfa village, carrying the young worker and his wife away from this ghost town near the Russian border. The couple squeeze into the backseat, she carrying a bright blue gym bag, he the dull burden of history. Twenty-six years ago, his parents named him Wang Tieren, or Iron Man Wang. It was a tribute to the communist icon whose selfless toil symbolized the industrial muscle of China's Northeast, a region whose state-run factories and furnaces fueled the communist dreams of the People's Republic. The new Iron Man on the bus—silent, gaunt, a look of worry wrinkling his freckled brow—embodies the same region but in a challenging new era: Even as other parts of China flourish in the mad rush toward a market economy, once proud Manchuria (as the area is known abroad) has fallen on hard times; it, like Iron Man Wang himself, is desperately searching for salvation.
As the bus pulls away, Wang stares ahead into the middle distance while his wife, Sun Jing, buries her head in her arms. Neither dare glance out the rear window at what they are leaving behind: their two-year-old daughter, named Siting, nestled in the arms of Wang's father. It was barely a year ago, just ten days after Sun had finished nursing, that they first left their daughter. When the couple returned home two weeks ago, they proudly unrolled a thick wad of cash—their annual savings of nearly $2,000. The money will feed their parents and daughter for another year, but Siting didn't comprehend. Recoiling from the two strangers standing in front of her, she scrambled over to her grandmother and peered out anxiously from between her legs. For two weeks, Wang and Sun have used hugs and sweet biscuits to win their daughter's trust. She has finally learned to call them "mama" and "baba," but when they boarded the bus to leave for another year, the girl showed no emotion. "It's hard to bear," says Wang, laying a hand on his wife's arm as she wiped a tear off her cheek. "But there's no other way for us to give our daughter a future." ()