
名人传记 造纸女王 张茵 China’s Richest Woman: Fro(2)

The eldest of eight children in a poor soldier's family in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Zhang learnt independence at an early age by looking after her brothers and sisters.
She started her career in waste paper trading in Hong Kong with30,000 yuan in 1985 and has stuck with the paper industry since then.
Aspiring to be the "queen of waste paper", Zhang continued to build her realm in the United States by setting up the America Chung Namp, Inc. (ACN) in 1990.
The ACN, whose asset value was not calculated in the rich list, is reported to provides nearly 80 percent of the raw materials for the Nine Dragons Paper.
"The key to the success of Nine Dragons Paper is ensuring the long-term and steady purchase of high-quality waste paper in large quantities," said Zhang.
ACN took good care of that, ranking the largest U.S. exporter of raw materials for paper-making and the biggest container exporter among all US industries for the past five years in a row.
ACN's success came with the burgeoning Chinese paper-makers' reliance on imported scrap paper.
Since its beginnings in the 1990s, China's paper-making industry is growing faster than any other in the world with an output of 49.5 million tons in 2004, while 54.4 million tons of paper was consumed, both figures ranking the world's second highest. [第1页] [第2页] 
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