Census Commences
On August 16, 100,000 census workers in Beijing started to enumerate people from door to door and prepare for the national census. The work is to be accomplished on September 15. The family and personal information collected by the census organization from the citizens in the 6th national census shall be kept secret, shall not disclosed to any corporate or natural persons, and no administrative punishment shall be enforced in accordance with the information hereupon obtained.
网友的翻译不够简洁,比如翻译成:Population census has started。 “逐门逐户”就是from door to door,汉语“逐门逐户”是互文结构,在古汉语“门”和“户”都可以指门。下文的“入户调查”可以省略不译。
“户口整顿和摸底”比较难翻译,“整顿”用regulation较好,“摸底”是指“预普查”,即census preparation。然而实际翻译时,考虑到文化差异,感觉对于这件事还是说的委婉一点的好,中国是世界上少数实行户口制度的国家,整顿户口往往容易给西方人造成一种侵犯人权的感觉。
Connie1990(会员名)翻译的相对简单明了:On August 16th, about 10000 census enumerators in Beijing started to undertake census work from door to door. 我在翻译“公民提供的家庭及个人信息”时略有迟疑,最终选择了family and personal information collected from the citizens,主要是想强调政府应该承担的保密责任。
“据此”在这里是一个法律用语,是指根据普查所获得的公民的家庭和个人信息,为了体现法律语言的严肃性,这里可以翻译成in accordance with the information hereupon obtained。在最后这句英语翻译中,我使用了三个shall以强调人口调查中所涉及的法律问题的严肃性。