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时间:2010-02-02来源:英语作文网栏目:英语四级作文作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
中国的高房价问题得到越来越多人的关注,这是涉及到民生的一项工程,下面作文地带为大家提供一篇关于中国高房价问题的英语作文,此文翻译由作文地带团队成员- 李文翻译,谢谢。 中英文双语版(如需全英文版,请看双语版最后所附the Price Of Housing Is High In China

中国的高房价问题得到越来越多人的关注,这是涉及到民生的一项工程,下面作文地带为大家提供一篇关于中国高房价问题的英语作文,此文翻译由作文地带团队成员- 李文翻译,谢谢。


 the Price Of Housing Is High In China
   We all know that the price of housing is higher in China today. In many chinese cities especially in the big cities, the speed of rising in price of housing is rapid and surprising. The price of housing has deviated the income level of many common people seriously. It is awkward that a common person can not afford a common house in our country.

   What reasons have led to the appearance mentioned above on earth? In my opinion, there are 3 main and essential reasons about it.

   Frist of all, the price of land which has changed more and more higher in recent years is the most important factor. We know, the real estate includes 2 parts: the land and the housing.The price of the real estate includes the land`s and the housing`s price. Now more and more governments depend on selling the land to keep their income. The main way of land sale is auction,it has to pay more money to the

government. The expensive land increases the cost of the house, certainly, the cost will shift to the consumers at last.
首先,一个摆在我们面前很现实的问题就是,土地价格在近几年不断攀升,价格越来越贵。我们知道,房地产包括 2 个部分:土地与房屋。同样,房地产的价格也包括土地价格与房屋价格。现在越来越多的地方政府部门依靠出卖土地来获取收入(作文地带建议翻译为:维持他们的财政收入)。卖地的主要途径是拍卖,由此政府可以获取更多的收入(钱)。昂贵的土地会增加房屋的总体成本,当然,地产商的这项支出,也会转嫁到普通购房者身上。
   Secondly, there is much more foam composition(泡沫) accompanies with the economy of the real estate. At present, more and more people need purchase a new house, which shows there is a good market future on the real estate. Economist calls it is “Selling party market”. So, many businessmen of the real estate unite a alliance which can control the market as a puppet. Thereby, rises in price of the real estate often happened instead of normally, regularly .

   Thirdly, the government is short of the function what it should have.  It was a pity that only less people had enjoyed the preferential housing in lasted 10 years. More people had to choose the expensive commercial housing. The government neglected its duty, Take this point, the government should be partly in charge of the price of housing.
     In a word, the season influences the price of housing is complex. But there is a simple fact, Chinese government must be attach importance to more and more higher price of housing.


the Price Of Housing Is High In China
   We all know that the price of housing is higher in China today. In many chinese cities especially in the big cities, the speed of rising in price of housing is rapid and surprising. The price of housing has deviated the income level of many common people seriously. It is awkward that a common person can not afford a common house in our country.
   What reasons have led to the appearance mentioned above on earth? In my opinion, there are 3 main and essential reasons about it.
   Frist of all, the price of land which has changed more and more higher in recent years is the most important factor. We know, the real estate includes 2 parts: the land and the housing.The price of the real estate includes the land`s and the housing`s price. Now more and more governments depend on selling the land to keep their income. The main way of land sale is auction,it has to pay more money to the government. The expensive land increases the cost of the house, certainly, the cost will shift to the consumers at last. liuxuepaper.e.com
   Secondly, there is much more foam composition accompanies with the economy of the real estate. At present, more and more people need purchase a new house, which shows there is a good market future on the real estate. Economist calls it is “Selling party market”. So, many businessmen of the real estate unite a alliance which can control the market as a puppet. Thereby, rises in price of the real estate often happened instead of normally, regularly .
   Thirdly, the government is short of the function what it should have.  It was a pity that only less people had enjoyed the preferential housing in lasted 10 years. More people had to choose the expensive commercial housing. The government neglected its duty, Take this point, the government should be partly in charge of the price of housing.
     In a word, the season influences the price of housing is complex. But there is a simple fact, Chinese government must be attch importance to more and more higher price of housing.


China's housing among world's highest

Some experts believe Chinese housing prices are still the highest globally, despite major cities reporting sluggish real estate sales recently, according to a report from today's International Finance News that compared prices here with those in New York and Tokyo.

Although New York's realty market may not have been as seriously hit the by the sub prime crisis as others, slow GDP growth in the United States has threatened the performance of Wall Street, and reduced demand for realty.
Li Xihuan, a consulting bank analyst from Dealogic in the United States, said, "The average price of an apartment in Manhattan was $1.4 million in the fourth quarter of last year, up 17.6 percent year on year."

But that average was boosted by high-end apartment sales: three times as many apartments priced over $10 million sold last year than in 2006.

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