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时间:2007-11-14来源:栏目:英语四级作文作者: 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
类似球类的一个模板,请您参考使用。 Basketball---My Favorite Im a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because its interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan, Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, ON
Basketball---My Favorite
     I’m a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it’s interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan, Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, O’Neal and so on. Yao Ming is in the NBA, too. He’s Chinese. He plays basketball well. He’s a center forward. He’s our pride. All the ball stars can jump, shoot and pour in the basket. So each game of the NBA is wonderful. Sometimes the players can perform miracles, I think.
    This year’s champion is Spur Team. It’s one of the strongest contenders.
     I like NBA. I love basketball.英语作文
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与 球类运动:足球/篮球-我的最爱 相关文章如下: