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博客 blog 英语作文

时间:2010-03-21来源:英语作文网栏目:英语四级作文作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
下图是2007年1-10月中国博客服务人均月度有效浏览时间及增长率,描述变化,说明原因。 点评:这是一篇图表题。 可以看出,整体呈增长趋势。但是,二月和九月有所下降。所以,分析的时候要照顾各个方面。

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Blog. You should write at least 120 words based on the chart and outline given below:


博客 blog 英语作文
博客 blog 英语作文


This histogram shows the number of people using blog services from January to October in 2007. From it we can see that the number of users increased monthly from January to August, except February. After two peak months, July and August, the number dropped slightly in September, while in October it picked up again. From liuxuepaper.Com.

Possible reasons for these changes are first, in February Chinese people celebrated the most important festival——Chinese New Year. This means more people spent more time with their families and friends, and therefore they didn’t have as much time for surfing online. Secondly, college students are the main users of blog services. While in July and August,they had summer holidays, which enabled them to have more spare time reading and writing blogs. Thirdly, with improvements of blog services and the influence of some “star bloggers”, most of whom are celebrities, blogs are becoming an important way for people to express themselves and communicate with others. So more and more people are starting to use these services, which help explain the overall increase shown here.

作文地带点评:这是一篇图表题。 可以看出,整体呈增长趋势。但是,二月和九月有所下降。所以,分析的时候要照顾各个方面。

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