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If I lost my job,what can I do?

时间:2009-07-05来源:未知栏目:英语六级作文作者:admin 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Here are eight ways to quickly get back on your feet again: Cats Recruit in The Straits Times - November 28, 2008 IN THIS volatile working world, you have to accept that no job is for life. You may need to change jobs and careers several times in yo

Here are eight ways to quickly get back on your feet again: Cats Recruit in The Straits Times - November 28, 2008

IN THIS volatile working world, you have to accept that no job is for life. You may need to change jobs and careers several times in your working life.

Job transitions skills can be developed to help make this transition easier for you. By applying these simple ideas you can improve your skills, keep your self-esteem intact and find something suitable.

1. Get support
Your company has restructured and you have lost your job. After the initial shock, anger and despair, it is time to move forward. Surround yourself with family and friends and let them know about your situation.

Stay in contact with those you care about and continue your social activities. It is easy to avoid people or stop socialising but make sure you do not do this. Your support crew will encourage you and also keep their eyes open for job opportunities for you.

2. It’s not personal
Redundancy is becoming a common term in the workforce, so do not take this personally. Remember, it is the job that has been axed, not you. You have transferable skills that can be used in a variety of industries.

3. Set up an environment to assist your job search

If you are working from home, set up a basic office to include a phone, stationary, postage supplies, computer and printer. If you have small children and pets, keep them out of this area.

Ask your children not to answer the phone while you are job searching. If you are using a job café or other facilities, be prepared. Ensure you have all the details you need to apply for any job that appeals to you, including your up-to-date resumé, your referee’s details and an e-mail address.

4. Get involved
Find out the groups that meet regularly in your area and get involved. These could be local networks or community events. This is a great way to meet new people, make new contacts and find out what jobs are available close to home.

5. Watch your language
Avoid using words like “unemployed” or “doing nothing”. Your full-time job is finding a new role you will enjoy.

6. Create an up-to-date resumé
Give a detailed description of the achievements in each role and the time you have spent in the position. Provide all contact details including phone number (land line and mobile), e-mail address and, where possible, a fax number. If you do not have a fax at home, find someone who does and ask him if you can use his number.

7. Be well-groomed
It only takes seven seconds to make a first impression. Make the most of your seven seconds by smiling when you greet someone. Invest in a good suit. If you don’t have one, borrow one for your job interviews. Polish your shoes, wear minimal jewellery and ensure your hair is clean and neat and tidy. People will remember you when you look good.

8. Stay motivated
Finding a new job is hard work. It can frustrate and disappoint you when you receive letters telling you that you did not get the job you applied for.

Stay focused and remind yourself that there is a role out there just for you, and you need to stay positive until you find it.

Article by Neen James, a US-based productivity expert, author, speaker, trainer and consultant. For more information, visit www.liuxuepaper.com

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