世界经济在复苏。新兴经济体正在复苏中起到主导作用,尤其是中国。中国人民银行行长 周小川 在他的新年致辞中如是说:中国将继续“适度松动”的货币政策。胡锦涛主席说,政府将会更加重视今年高质量的经济增长。继续调整经济结构,可持续发展的发展模式。温家宝总理在12月27日发表讲话:说中国不会过早错误的终止经济刺激政策。业界都乐观的认同,2010年中国经济增长率将保持在9%到10%之间。众多的中国企业在今年将会有更为强劲的收益。这些数字表明,即使是受影响最严重的出口型企业,也在全球需求的不断改善下,慢慢的复苏。
Hong Kong's stock market is very much tied up with China mainland's economy and policies.
The recent figures show the US's economy is recovering. But as most economists believe the recovery is going to be a slow, long and difficult one. The unemployment rate is still higher than 10%. The home sales number is still low. It is very unlikely the FED will change their interest rate any time in 6 months. So the situation of excessive liquidity in Hong Kong will remain unchanged for a long while.
At the same we also can see the increasing risk and challenge that China's economy is facing, such as industrial overcapacity; weakness in export; inflate asset bubbles etc. But I have confidence that Chinese government can properly handle those problems. Nobody has the crystal ball. Only time can tell what will happen in the future. So we must keep a close watch on the market and the government policies and adjust our investment strategies accordingly.
GDP:gross domestic product 国内生产总值