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养宠物好吗?(Are pets good for people?)

时间:2008-03-27来源:栏目:英语六级作文作者: 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
喂养宠物的好处与坏处 利与弊are pets good for people?
养宠物好吗?(Are pets good for people?)
Are pets good for people?
Nowadays people have different opinions about whether_____________________________________________________________________________________
other people think that_____________________________________________________________________
In my personal opinion,I agree with___________________________________________________________.
      Nowadays people have different opinions about whether having pets stay at home or not. I personally think it depends on different people under different conditions.
     There are a few benefits for having pets. First of all, a friend. Some kid may not have any brother or sisters, also, parents are both working all the time. They may need a pet friend to spend time with them. Secondly, keeping a pet makes people learn to take care others and be responsible.
     Other people think that it is not a good idea to keep a pet.I agree according to few points. Firstly, pets with fur brings problems such as skin allergies, smell, and their dropping is never a good thing to clean up. Not only bad to you and your family, but also bad to the people who live around you. Keeping a pet is not only about yourself but concern lots of people. For example, you might scare a little girl by going into the same elevator. You can never have free time when you keep a pet. You have to find a someone take care of it when you go travel, you will be very sad when it dies.
     In my personal opinion,I agree with those who think pets are bad according to the above points. And I suggest pets keeping consider for others in the surrounding areas.英语作文
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