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Ways to Improve English 改善英语学习的方式

时间:2009-04-03来源:栏目:英语六级作文作者: 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Nowdays a lot of Chinese ,Especially students ,are learning English all over the country .How to learn English well ?The following are my suggestions which can help you to improve your study. Listening to radio programs in English is a good way to im
Nowdays a lot of Chinese ,Especially students ,are learning English all over the country .How to learn English well ?The following are my suggestions which can help you to improve your study.
    Listening to radio programs in English is a good way to improve your listening ,but be careful not imitate the speakers too much.
    One vocabulary-building way is to write new words on pieces of paper and tape them on the walls of your room .And flashcards are helpful .You may make ten new flashcards each week .Write new English words on one side and the the meanings on the other side .Drill yourself each day when you have spare time.
    Writing needs a lot of practice ,so keeping a diary can be a good way to improve your writing .First ,just write some sentences ,then join then with conjunctions  to form a short passage .Don't be afraid of making mistakes .Keep on writing and  you'll make progress.www.liuxuepaper.com
    To improve listening ,pronunciation and idioms,you can watch movies on TV programs in English .
    Find a conversation partner .This person does not need to be a nativer speaker .All you need is someone to talk with in English .英语作文
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