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fashion and status 流行与时尚 Popularity and Fashion

时间:2009-04-05来源:栏目:英语六级作文作者: 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
With the coming of prosperity and development of China, it is no wonder that levels of consumption have changed as well. People now have more disposable incomes and advertising has emerged to tell them how to spend them. Pop elements are beginning t

With the coming of prosperity and development of China, it is no wonder that levels of consumption have changed as well. People now have more disposable incomes and advertising has emerged to tell them how to spend them. Pop elements are beginning to seep into the mainstream culture, as young people look to fashion more and more to shape their purchases. The pop culture nowadays is full of beautiful women and handsome men dressed their best. Young women and men see them everywhere on TV or on billboards so that they seek to imitate them. They want to have a new personality, changed from that of their parents’ traditional lifestyles. Despite a desire for individuality, many seem to be following the crowd in whatever new style comes along. The expense of this lifestyle can be high, as fashion seems to change weekly. As old pop brands rapidly age, new ones are thought up to replace them. The media helps with the spread of infomp3ation on fashion through reporting on celebrities and shows on fashion. The design of the advertising that is produced for these new fashions seems to pull us in and make us spend. Each day, we are told to become new people by the popular culture around us.


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