liuxuepaper Note:1.描述沙尘暴的现象2.出现的起因3.沙尘暴的危害4.防止的方法;
Sand Storm
I come from Inner Mongolia.My hometown suffered from sand storm seriously.sand storm is really terrible:when it comes, the sky will probably turn yellow and in contrast all the lightening bars' color turn into blue.Strong wind will follow, all the people will hurry home.If you stand in the wind for 3minutes, your hair will need 3time-wash after the disaster!How awful it is!
The cause for it is the over-herding,which make the grass land into desert.sand storm can do great harm to the live stock of the farms,it can spread desert and kill cattle,making the traffic disabled,the invisibility let the planes cancelled.What' more, plants in the farmland will be buried,food supply will lose. From
There are some way to prevent it from happening:
Plant grass and tress according to the topography;set limit to herding;search for International backup.Here
is a good news for it.China, Korea,Mongolia and Japan will cooperate to father sand storm On May.29, in the conference " International conference of Women and prevention and fathering work for desertification" held in Beijing, the director for sand storm prevention office of State forestry administration, Liu Tuo said that China, Korea, Mongolia and Japan have constituted the general layout for fathering the sand storm in order to meet the harm by it.