这是一篇关于我的寒假生活的优秀英语作文,作者没有写他寒假去那里玩了,看了什么阿凡达电影了([从《阿凡达》的电影对白学习 英语作文] ),而是用很朴实的语言写了自己寒假的两段生活,小作者首先花了三天时间完成自己的寒假作业,然后把剩下的假期时间用来陪奶奶聊天,孝敬老人家,感激奶奶一直以来对自己的照顾和关怀。
I had a very nice winter holiday this year.This winter holiday was much longer than that of last year.So I could enjoy my winter vacation for quite a long time.At the beginging of the holiday,I spent three days to finish all my homework so that I could play without worrying about my home work.
After finishing my homework,I went to visit my grandmother.She lived with my uncle,but my uncle was not always at home,she had to spend most of her time alone.I wanted to acommpany my dear grandmother and talked to her about my life at school.When I was still a little boy,grandmother took a great time to take care of me,so I love my grandmother very much.I would spend most time of my winter holiday to make my grandmother happy.