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有志者事竟成where there is a will,there is a way

时间:2010-11-29来源:liuxuepaper.com栏目:作者:作文地带整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
有志者事竟成where there is a will,there is a way
有志者事竟成where there is a will,there is a way

文章细节:作文地带整理 发表时间:2010-11-29

  the secret of success (the key to success) is not so much money as a strong will. a great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spirit. in other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win (get) the final victory, he will never succeed in his life. he is no more than a failure.
  it is quite obvious that there is no difficult thing (nothing difficult) in the world. if you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly accomplish your end. that stands to reason.

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