放松的心情The Easy Mood
2016-03-13 00:00:00   来源:互联网    双击单词自动翻译

放松的心情The Easy Mood
I used to hate others to laugh at me, because I thought they were looking down upon me. My friends said that I was too serious and couldn’t be made fun of. When I go out with friends, they always smile loudly and I just sit quietly in the corner. I want to change this situation, I don’t want to be a outsider, I want to be part of the group. So I watch many comic movies and start to play jokes with my friends. I become more active now, when my friends play jokes on me, I will laugh happily and play jokes on them. I take the easy mood and become part of the group. 

相关热词搜索:放松的心情The  Easy  Mood  

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