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时间:2010-08-12来源:英语学习栏目:日常英语作者:英语学习 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
You don't haveto add an extra hour to the day to find time for each other. Thesesix fun strategies can keep youconnected immediately. 你不必为了彼此的相处而额外挤出一个小时的时间,以下的六大高招就可以让你俩立刻亲密起来。 1. Be funny.情趣 Kind-spirited humor can douse a hot argum

    You don't haveto add an extra hour to the day to find time for each other. Thesesix fun strategies can keep youconnected immediately.


    1. Be funny.情趣

    Kind-spirited humor can douse a hot argument, head off a fight, andturn the drudgery of household responsibilitiesand planning into something witty, smart, and hilarious. Stickwith warmhumor; sarcasm and snide remarks aren'trelationship-builders.


    2. Be kissy.亲吻

    Saluting your spouse with a longer-than-usual kiss in the morning,at the end of the workday, and before you say good nighttelegraphs the good news that you still find him or her

    irresistible andwonderful.


    3. Beappreciative. 欣赏

    You can never appreciate your spouse too much. He or she needs tohear how much you admire the

    way he or shegets the bills paid, organizes the kids' activities, made thattasty shrimp scampi last night, rewired thebasement, cleared out three months' worth of old magazines frombeside thecouch, or got the trash out to the curb just in time forpickup.


    4. Besurprising. 惊喜

    Bring home an unexpected little gift. Get the car serviced beforehe changes the oil. Deliver breakfast in bed nextSaturday (then pop a Looney Tunes DVD into the TV for the kids andlock

    your bedroomdoor).


    5. Behistorical. 回味

    Play the songs you two loved best when you were courting. Bring outyour wedding album after dinner and leaf through ittogether. Bring up the good times from your past--you'll both geta glow andfeel lifted up as you remember your passion.


    6. Beforgetful. 忘却

    Forgive your spouse's human shortcomings, then forget them.Nobody's perfect, especially under

    stress. (Hmmm… could that include you?) Graciously overlooking flaws, errors,and gaffes sets a sweetly gracious tone foryour relationship.liuxuepaper.com
