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时间:2010-08-12来源:作文地带栏目:日常英语作者:日常英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
8. The state could help If you are on a low income, you may be eligible for help with housing costs or council tax payments. If you have children, further help is available, in the form of child bene

8. The state could help

If you are on a low income, you may be eligible for help with housing costs or council tax payments. If you have children, further help is available, in the form of child benefit (payable to all parents with children under the age of 16, regardless of income), as well as the working family's tax credit, which is means-tested.

9. Take in a lodger

Renting out a room is a tax-efficient way to boost your income: under the terms of the rent-a-room scheme, you are entitled to earn up to £4,250 a year tax-free by renting out a furnished room in your own home.

10. Sell up and downsize

If all else fails, you could put your property on the market and either downsize to a smaller, cheaper property or rent for a while until house prices fall and you can once again afford to get back on the property ladder. If you do decide to sell, do not let on that you desperately need to get rid of the property: buyers will drive a much harder bargain if they are aware that you are a distressed seller.


1. 求助—就是现在!


2. 不要错过偿还期

“如果错过了抵押贷款的还款期,你的信用记录上就会被记上一笔,以后再想抵押或再抵押就更困难了。” Savills Private Finance公司的抵押贷款经纪人梅兰妮·毕恩说。甚至你的房子都会被收回。Hamptons International Mortgages 公司的乔纳森·加纳尔建议说:“你首要工作是继续还款。”

3. 克制花销


4. 转向只付利息的贷款方式


5. 延长抵押期


6. 另觅出路

“如果你吃的是标准可变利率或其它利率而且没有罚款,你就可以咨询你的贷方公司有没有什么其它的利率可提供。”加纳尔说道。许多抵押贷款经纪公司,包括Halifax, Nationwide, Cheltenham&Gloucester, Woolwich 和 Yorkshire Building Society,都降低了它们的短期固定利率,而浮动利率在过去的几周内也有所下调。现在你就可以得到更便宜的借贷了。

7. 换个借贷公司

