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时间:2010-08-12来源:作文地带栏目:日常英语作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Mine online retailers Prices can be up to 40% cheaper when you buy online. But you'll have to be more vigilant about which sites you buy from, says Levi. Price compare at several stores, and steer cl

    Mine online retailers

    Prices can be up to 40% cheaper when you buy online. But you'll have to be more vigilant about which sites you buy from, says Levi. Price compare at several stores, and steer clear of sites where prices are significantly less than others you've seen. That's a good indication you're looking at low-value, lab-enhanced stones or outright fakes, complete with a fraudulent appraisal report.

    Buck tradition

    Diamonds are still a girl's best friend, serving as the centerpiece stone in 90% of engagement rings, according to The Wedding Report. But there's something to be said for going the nontraditional route. Rings set with colored gemstones are very trendy right now - and very affordable, too, says Mauer. "Colored gems are less expensive [than diamonds], which means you can get a larger, better-quality stone for your budget," she says. At Blue Nile, a three-stone white gold ring set with an oval-cut sapphire (just shy of one carat, good color, no visible flaws) and flanked by two 0.15-carat diamonds goes for $1,575. If you opted for a white diamond of comparable quality instead, that price would get you a 0.30-carat center stone, max. (For a diamond the same size as the sapphire, you'd pay $4,313.) One caveat: Knowing the four Cs of diamonds won't help you here. Our shopping guides for colored pearls can help you figure out what to look for.


    据市场调研报告《婚礼报告》显示,今年,这些用来表现爱情承诺的闪闪发光的钻石的销售商平均会少赚5795美元(These sparkly manifestations of committed relationships will set shoppers back an average of $5,795 this year, according to market researcher The Wedding Report.)同时,由于市场疲软和高消费需求的结合,使得黄金和钻石价格飞涨,结婚戒指则更贵。

    对这件非常重要的结婚戒指过高的期望(主要是准新娘)也对结婚戒指价格的飙升起了推波助澜的作用,《婚礼指南》杂志的高级副主编埃莱娜莫尔说。现在,大多数女性都会希望买至少一克拉的钻石,而仅仅五年前,半克拉的钻石就足够满足她们了。(有些因素不容忽视:28%的女士说,如果她们不喜欢男士送的戒指就会拒绝他们的求婚,这一数据来自于英国市场研究部门的投资顾问公司Clerical Medical Investment Group的市场研究报告。)

    一般的预算支出是两个月的薪水,或者至少珠宝制造商是这样建议的。"每对夫妇的支付能力不同,所以这只是最低的估计,"国际珠宝协会主席Jerry Ehrenwald解释说,国际珠宝协会是一家非营利性的机构。


    一、Reassess the rock重新对钻石估价

    去买钻石不可能不知道四个C.但是,要告诉自己知道一些额外的知识能够帮你决定哪些需要挥霍哪些需要节省(您可以访问Gemological Institute of America),比如透明度、颜色、重量、切割。

