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时间:2010-08-12来源:日常英语栏目:日常英语作者:英语学习 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
1. Only Buy On Sale Start a stockpile, and only buy items when they are on sale. 2. Plan Your Menu Around the Sales Enjoy cheap meals throughout the week by planning your menu around the weekly sales flyers. 3. Be Willing to Substitute Have a recipe that

1. Only Buy On Sale
Start a stockpile, and only buy items when they are on sale.

2. Plan Your Menu Around the Sales
Enjoy cheap meals throughout the week by planning your menu around the weekly sales flyers.

3. Be Willing to Substitute
Have a recipe that calls for an ingredient that you don't have? Then, see if you can substitute it for an ingredient that you do have. It'll save you money at the store and space in your pantry.

4. Buy Ingredients Instead of Prepared Meals
Frozen dinners and boxed mixes may be convenient, but they're also more costly. Get in the habit of buying the ingredients that you need to prepare the foods that you eat, and watch your grocery dollars go further.

5. Shop Seasonally
Foods are cheapest when they're in season, so learn when all of your favorite foods are in season, and buy them then.

6. Switch to Generic
Make the leap from name brand to generic brand, and you'll shave an easy 25% or more off of your grocery bill. Some generics worth trying: cereal, spices and baking supplies.

7. Buy Reduced Price Items
Want a true bargain basement price? Then, scour every aisle of the store for reduced priced groceries. Ultra ripe produce, scratch and dent items, closeouts, food at or near its use-by-date – it's all reason for a reduced price sticker.

Not sure you'll be able to use something before its use-by date? Then, toss it in the freezer, and you won't have to.

8. Shop at Drug Stores
Grocery stores aren't the only place to look for grocery bargains. Get in the habit of checking the drug store ads for deals on cereal, oatmeal, raisins, spices, baking supplies, soda, paper goods and more.

9. Cherry Pick
Stores tend to sell a few items below cost each week to entice customers to shop. Learn to spot these bargains, and snatch them up – even if it means going to more than one store.

For help spotting the bargains:

10. Stack Discounts
A sale is nice. A sale combined with a coupon and a rebate? Well, that's even better. Look for any and every opportunity to stack discounts, and slash that grocery bill right down to size.



2 计划一个购物清单


3 准备替代



冷冻晚餐和盒饭也许是方便的,但是他们也更加昂贵。 养成自己购买食材动手准备食饭的习惯,你就可以看着你为食杂准备的基金进一步增长。


从名牌商品转换到普通品牌商品将很容易削减25%或更多的杂货账单。 有些普通品牌商品值得尝试: 谷物、香料和烘烤用品。

想要真正的廉价商品吗?在商店的每个走道上搜寻减价商品。 熟透的产品、有抓痕和凹痕的产品,抛售,或接近保质期食物,它们都有贴上减价标签理由。 不能肯定在保质期之前用上它们怎么办? 把它们扔进冰箱,不必担心这个。liuxuepaper.com
