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时间:2010-08-12来源:英语资源栏目:日常英语作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Ever since Walt Disney immortalized(使…成为不朽) interspecies friendships and talking teapots, anthropomorphism (attributing human traits and emotions to animals or objects) has been a movie staple(主要产品). 自从Walt Disney将种间友谊以及人化的物品(talking teapot)带入人们


Ever since Walt Disney immortalized(使…成为不朽) interspecies friendships and talking teapots, anthropomorphism (attributing human traits and emotions to animals or objects) has been a movie staple(主要产品).

自从Walt Disney将种间友谊以及人化的物品(talking teapot)带入人们的思想,拟人论(赋予动物及物品以人的特征和情感)遂成为后世电影的一个主要题材。

Now some scientists are criticizing the movie March of the Penguins for portraying the Antarctic seabirds almost as tiny, two-tone humans.

目前很多科学家批评电影March of the penguine (应该是:帝企鹅日记) 几乎把南极的海鸟刻画成矮小的双色人。

The poster for the surprise hit film reads, "In the harshest place on Earth love finds a way." And the movie describes the annual journey of emperor penguins to their breeding grounds as a "quest to find the perfect mate and start a family" against impossible odds.


The penguins are the only animals that make a home above the ice in the subzero temperatures and blistering winds of the Antarctic winter. They overcome incredible odds just to survive, never mind breed and nurture new life.
But is it love?



会说话的动物(Talking Animals)

The filmmakers behind the English-language version of March of the Penguins—which is distributed by Warner Independent Pictures and National Geographic Feature Films—toned down the anthropomorphism of the original, French release(发行).

March of the penguins 的英语版通过Warner Independent Picture 和 National Geographic Feature Films 联合发行,其制作人在影片中淡化了法语原版的拟人风格。

In the original documentary the penguins "spoke" their own dialogue, like Bambi or Babe the pig. The version released in the United States uses a narrator, actor Morgan Freeman, to tell the story.

原版电影中企鹅有自己的对话,就像Bambi 或Babe the pig 一样。美国发行的版本,采用了Morgan Freeman 朗读的旁白。

Still, the film describes the emperor penguins as "not that different from us" in their pouting(噘嘴), bellowing(吼叫), and strutting(昂首阔步地走).


The bond(联结) between the star penguin parents is called a "love story." And the penguins seem to have emotions— grieving over the loss of an egg or a chick, rejoicing at the return of a mate, loving their families.


"In a few places it's a little over the top," said Alison Power, director of communications for New York City's Bronx Zoo and the affiliated Wildlife Conservation Society. "But I thought the filmmakers did an excellent job in not anthropomorphizing the animals."liuxuepaper.com
