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时间:2010-08-12来源:日常英语栏目:日常英语作者:日常英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
4.When you're self-employed, you have to be able to plan ahead. 创业以后,你要能够提前定好计划 Yourlast job may have involved no planning at all, as that was someoneelse's job. Or perhaps your job in

    4.When you're self-employed, you have to be able to plan ahead.


    Yourlast job may have involved no planning at all, as that was someoneelse's job. Or perhaps your job involved planning on a localized level,such as planning a particular project. If you want to start a business,you need to develop expertise in both short-term and long-range planning; it's about to become a big part of your life.


    When you start a business, one of your first tasks will be to work through abusiness plan. As your business becomes operational, you'll find thatthis plan (however detailed) needs to be revised and that other plansneed to be created, as you work towards the long-range goals thatyou've set for your business. From following someone else's plan as anemployee, you have to learn how to create the plans yourself - andadapt the plans to changing circumstances.


    5.You need to be prepared to put in a constant and consistent effort.


    We'veall seen employees who are just going through the motions, or who werejust "putting in the time" until retirement. You don't need to be aco-worker to know who these people are. As a customer or client you cantell, too. Bluntly, starting a business takes energy, and you need tobe able to give it 100 percent. You can't afford to just coast along,or go through the motions, if you're running a business. Your customerand/or clients need to know that you are devoting 100 percent of yourtalent or skill or attention to them - and will go elsewhere if theydon't feel this is the case.


    Worse, you need todeliver this constant and consistent effort without the employee safetynet. Many employees are used to being able to "call in sick" and havesomeone else cover their job, for instance. As a self-employed businessowner, you'll have to go in and give it your best effort no matter howyou feel or close up shop if you don't have employees who can fill in.You can also say goodbye to the holidays that many employees enjoy,both the annual x number of weeks and the statutory holidays, at least until your business is established to the point that you can manage your own time.
