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浦东大变样了(Pudong Has Changed a Lot)

时间:2010-09-10来源:网友投稿栏目:大学英语作文作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Last Saturday,I went to visit Pudong with my grandmother. She used to live in Zhangqiao, but she moved to my home in Puxi 10 years ago. She was surprised at the great changes there. Many tall office buildings stand in the place where there used to be farm

  Last Saturday,I went to visit Pudong with my grandmother. She used to live in Zhangqiao, but she moved to my home in Puxi 10 years ago. She was surprised at the great changes there.

  Many tall office buildings stand in the place where there used to be farms. Long ago, it was not convenient

  to go out because of the poor transportation.

  But things are different now.

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