护士可爱着,美丽着(Nurse, beautiful sweet)
医生:“三分治疗七分护理。其实,治好一个病人,我们的功劳只占三分之一,剩下的三分之二要记在护士身上。” 是啊,在治疗“非典”的过程中,除了正常的吃药、打针都要由护士来负责以外,日常监测病情变化中的量体温、测脉搏,观察呼吸机和监护机,定期巡视病房和大量生活照料等都要由护士来完成。目前对于‘非典’的治疗并没有特效药,护理显得格外重要。医生列出的医嘱,大多由护士来执行。她们在病房里坚守的时间最长,面临被感染的危险也最大。中华护理学会理事长王春生说得好:“在这场没有硝烟的战争中,我们的护士用自己的实际行动充分体现了南丁格尔精神。”
护士:“不让每个病人无助。”记者曾经问过一位护理部主任:“面对这么多的‘非典’病人,你不怕吗?”“这些‘非典’病人,身患重症,旁边却连一个亲人也没有。许多还是年迈老人,我们再不好好照顾他们,心里怎么能过得去呢?”于是,我们理解了为什么一名又一名护士辞别亲人,把自己的生死置之度外,义无反顾地走上抗击“非典”第一线,却把病人的安危冷暖看得比天还重。更多信息请浏览 作文地带。
Nurse, beautiful sweet
On May 12, the international nurses day is the nurses in the day of the festival belongs to yourself. SARS, SARS, it selfishly encroached on their happiness, but it is the world's best forgot our nurses, face it is day. They are the most lovely people, is one of the most respected by people. Old man: "love in the onset of left and right, go in sympathy in life, always sides, at any time, it is a flower, adorn have long, to worship in branch of stroke, pedestrians thorns, don't feel pain, you may fall, but not sad." Yes, this is the best explanation to nurse duty, they also quietly with his actions as it made interpretation.
Doctor: "three treatment. Actually, seven points of a patient, we cure only one-third of credit, two-thirds of the remaining on the nurse." Yes, in the treatment of SARS, in addition to the normal process of medicine, injection by nurses are to be responsible for the daily monitoring condition, the temperature, pulse, observation and monitoring machine, breathe regularly patrol ward and life care will be accomplished by the nurse. Now for the treatment of SARS 'and no specific nursing appear important all the more. From liuxuepaper.com.
The doctor advice, most of the listed by the nurse. They hold in the ward, facing the longest and biggest risk of infection. China nursing association director WangChunSheng well said: "the war on the no smoke, our nurses with their own practical action to fully embody the nightingale spirit." Nurse: "don't let each patient helplessness."