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时间:2007-11-23来源:栏目:大学英语作文作者: 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
有关大连的英语导游词 Dalian is a place where you can find natural scenes of stunning beauty, amiable climate, stylish architecture, comfortable beaches and summer tourist resorts. The gardens and circuses everywhere are good decorations of the city.
Dalian is a place where you can find natural scenes of stunning beauty, amiable climate, stylish architecture, comfortable beaches and summer tourist resorts. The gardens and circuses everywhere are good decorations of the city. Along the southern coast, a road like a jade ribbon runs among the mountains and along the sea, threading through the scenic spots of Bangchui Island, Tiger Beach, Fujia Village, Baiyunshan Park, and Xinghai Park. To the southwest of the city, there are worldly famous Lushunkou. Taiyanggou (Sun Valley), and Baiyu Mount (White Jade Mount) and natural wonders such as the Snake Island and the Sea Cat Island. To the north of the city, there is the Golden Pebble Beach Holiday Resort, where one can see typical sea-corroded landscape and landform of coastal cast, and the Almighty''s master piece----the unique "turtle-shell rocks." In Dalian there is also the Bingyu Valley''s scenery attractions in the north of the Zhuanghe city, which boasts soothing green mountains and clear rivers.

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圣亚海洋世界 sanya ocean world
星海公园 star sea park
滨海路 binhai road
棒棰岛 goog island
金石滩 inscriptions beach
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