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时间:2010-08-12来源:英语学习方法栏目:英语读后感作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
关于卓别林电影《城市之光(city lights)的英文观后感 If I were the writer,I would changed a paragraph that implied the girl's dreams were dashed upon realizing her benefactor was a tramp. I don't think it mattered either way to her. I think she was just happy to finally meet

关于卓别林电影《城市之光(city lights)>的英文观后感
If I were the writer,I would changed a paragraph that implied the girl's dreams were dashed upon realizing her benefactor was a tramp. I don't think it mattered either way to her. I think she was just happy to finally meet the dude, and maybe a little surprised that her dude was a man of such modest means. At any rate, she was touched and joyful... nothing dashed or disappointed about it.

I think part of the greatness of the ending is its openness to more than one interpretation. I can see how it could be read as joyful. But personally, I see it as a crushingly sad ending-- Chaplin says, "You can see now?" She replies, "Yes, I can see," and the screen goes black, implying (to me) that any hopes the tramp had for them were ended when he gave her sight, and he knew it. It was a gesture of self-sacrifice on more than one level.
But regardless, the article should probably just describe what happens without putting an interpretation on it. I think it's fine as it stands.
