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Can’t Open Bottle英语作文

时间:2012-04-28来源:作文地带整理栏目:作者:liuxuepaper 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
         Today afternoon, we hav
作文地带题目:Can’t Open Bottle
文章细节:liuxuepaper 标题:Can’t Open Bottle
      Today afternoon, we have Cambridge Young Learners English class. My drink is put in a pawpaw drink bottle.My grandpa take me to my school.     It’s the playtime. Because I can’t open the bottle. I said to my deskmate May: “Can you help me to open this bottle?”My deskmate May can’t open this bottle, too. I only can put it on the desk.     It’s after school now. My grandpa comes to take me to my home. He saw I didn’t drink any drink. So he ask why. I answer: “I can’t open this bottle.” “Why you don’t ask your teacher to help?” My grandpa let me to use English ask my teacher to help. Then I go to the classroom said to my teacher: “Excuse me.” My teacher ask: “Yes?” I said the next sentence: “Can you help me to open this bottle?” “OK.” My teacher said. “Here you are.”“Thank you very much.” I said. Then my teacher said me is great.     Today I use English said to my teacher. I’m so happy!  
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