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If can carefree, how nice!英语作文

时间:2012-04-28来源:liuxuepaper.COM栏目:作者:作文地带整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
  First of all, and after all of joy but
作文地带题目:If can carefree, how nice!
文章细节:作文地带整理 标题:If can carefree, how nice!
First of all, and after all of joy but joy, it is probably many innocent children's ambition and motto. But, in fact, when everybody wants carefree, do you want to do, and you want to talk about, ethics, time limit. Like the Taoist generation guru zhuangzi's "by world of change, the six to swim out everything, infinite", live.  
  I think I most carefree, at last winter vacation is the only then, although only 30 days, but still very happy, really, I still want to get up early on, wash gargle, open the computer. Login "QQ", in which people dozen hello again, make up each other, and happy life frolics. Really want to let the winter vacation become eternal! That winter is my most unforgettable.  
  See now (before graduation), because we want to graduate, after review with a mind to meet the entrance exam, but the teacher didn't agree, so every assignment is 2 times of common even three times. I really think a voice cried, "heaven!" Then "rise". But the fantasy to fantasy, or his homework slowly.  
  Sometimes I really complain, why have seven feelings six desires? If not, people will not painful, people would not have these reactions, pain. Even if there is, from "feiends love evil desire" select "love, happiness, joy" this three kinds of emotions.  
  But no matter what is said or seven feelings six desires, perhaps is to let person whose cry of joy and balance, however, nuwa empress ignored point: the world. Because of the world, is now has more than happy. If I like a member of "honor". Since the start of a tragedy before, I seem to have learned that zhuangzi's fix true meaning, Lao tze monastery.  
  We want a carefree life, is the person that oneself like to drink, the most intimate friends, and make up, The play, and carefree in life, generous.  
  Now, no wonder the opening is "unfettered and" and "(ah, zhuangzi's his old man's house, and we want to, but still essence!  
  If can carefree, how nice!

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