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Protect Our Environment英语作文

时间:2012-04-28来源:liuxuepaper.COM栏目:作者:liuxuepaper.COM 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
        Protect Our Environment    
作文地带题目:Protect Our Environment
文章细节:liuxuepaper.COM 标题:Protect Our Environment
Protect Our Environment                       People can live all over the world.We can do this because we are able to make     clothes and build houses which are needed for different conditions.Most     plants and animals can only live in some environments because they can’t put     on or take off clothes.The environment where we stay gives us plants or     animals,food and places to live.Where a plant or animal lives is called its     habitat.Forest,garden,jungle and desert can make a good habitat.A bird can     live in a forest habitat.A frog can live in a pond habitat .A pandn can live in a     mountain habitat.A whale can live in a sea habitat.People can live in the kind     of place where we have enough food,water,plants and other animals.There     may be many different kinds of animals and plants living together in the same     habitat.They all need food for growth.Plants will get their food from the     sunlight,the air and water,but animals have to eat other living things like     plants or other animals.     The environment needs to be protected because if the habitat becomes worse     and worse,then no people,plants or animals will be able to survive.        

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