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My favourite dog英语作文

时间:2012-04-28来源:liuxuepaper栏目:作者:liuxuepaper.COM 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
My Favourite Dog     Goodmorning teache
作文地带题目:My favourite dog
文章细节:liuxuepaper.COM 标题:My favourite dog
My Favourite Dog  
Goodmorning teachers and classmates :  
My name is WenHuaiJin , today my topic is “My favourite dog” .  
I have a little dog. His name is “WangZai”. When I get home, his will sway his talk and walk up to me . When his feets hungry he barks loudly. I often play games with him.  
WangZai is very dever. When I’m happy, he will go around me and bark happily;When I feel sad, he will stay with me quietly.  
WangZai is so lovely. He has two birghteyes and big ears, a small biack nose and a big mouch, he legs are short and tail is long.  
I like my little dog, WangZai.  
Thank you very much!  

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