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时间:1970-01-01来源:网络整理栏目:Essay作者:网络整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
摘要:Every body knows that Beijing is changing. From buildings to the public transportation, everything is changing. And Beijing is becoming better and better. Last year, Beijing has hold the 2008 Olympic Games successfully and has become
摘要:Every body knows that Beijing is changing. From buildings to the public transportation, everything is changing. And Beijing is becoming better and better. Last year, Beijing has hold the 2008 Olympic Games successfully and has become the foc

  Beijing is changing

  Every body knows that Beijing is changing. From buildings to the public transportation, everything is changing. And Beijing is becoming better and better. Last year, Beijing has hold the 2008 Olympic Games successfully and has become the focus of the world.

  Beijing change is inevitable, because China is developing, and the world is developing.

  The better Beijing changes, the better china changes. Yesterday, the president of U.S.A has come to visit Beijing, that means Beijing has is developed better than before. If one day I have a chance, I will develop Beijing to be the best city in the world!
