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时间:1970-01-01来源:网络资源栏目:Essay作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
摘要:对于“师”从电脑还是师从真人教师学习的优势与劣势问题,人们各有不同的看法。有的认为“师”从电脑要比师从真人教师更为方便、经济,也有人认为师从真人教师才能确保更佳的 雅思论说文范文:师从电脑还是师从真人 Nowadays, we can learn from comput


  Nowadays, we can learn from computers and we can also learn from Human teachers. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of these two kinds of “teachers”?


  People’s views on the advantages and disadvantages of learning from computers and from human teachers vary from person to person. While some people believe that learning from computers is more convenient and more economical than learning from human teachers, there are others who hold that learning with the help of human teachers can ensure better learning effect. On a personal note, I argue that these two approaches both have positive and negative aspects and thereby a combination of these two approaches of learning is the best policy.


  First, nowadays with the development of computer science, we use computers almost in every aspect of our life, especially in education. Some people predict that one day computers will take the place of human teachers. Is that true? It is true that it is both convenient and economical to learn this way. For example, we can listen to online lectures without leaving our homes and can stop at any time we want. We can also take free courses on the Internet. But we also have to admit that if we have doubts and problems while we are listening to the on-line lecture, which is sure to happen from time to time, no one can help us out right away. To solve this problem, what we need to do is perhaps to send e-mails and then wait for the reply for days or even for weeks. However, we don’t have to face such problems if we learn from human teachers as they can help us out all at once. Also, they can adjust their teaching process according to how well we can follow them, that is, they can adapt their teaching methods to suit our actual levels.

