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时间:2011-01-23来源:网络整理栏目:Essay作者:未知 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
All in all, I believe, with the increasing popularity of Internet, this new method will win favor among more and more people for its convenience, efficiency and high success rate. 【分析】本文使用因

  All in all, I believe, with the increasing popularity of Internet, this new method will win favor among more and more people for its convenience, efficiency and high success rate.

  【分析】本文使用因果法对许多人喜欢网上求职这种新方式的原因进行了阐释,是一篇典型的原因阐释型作文。本文第一段采用比较法对新、老求职方式进行了简要对比,并提出许多人喜欢网上求职这种新方式;(英语作文 www.liuxuepaper.com)第二段通过使用连接词“first”,“besides”, “finally”引出了人们喜爱这种求职方式的三点原因,逻辑清楚,衔接自然;第三段点明自己对此事的看法,即越来越多的人会喜欢这种高效、方便、成功率高的求职方式。


  Model Test Four

  Whether College Students’ should Deal in Stocks?

  Recently, stocks market has been one of the hottest topic among the public and it arouses general concern on whether college students should deal in stocks.

  It is widely accepted that practice with study can bring some positive effects for a student. However, others argue that dealing in stocks isn’t suitable for college students. But according to me, I frimly hold that its negative effects overweight its benefits for the following reasons.

  First of all, college students have limited spare time and stocks dealing cost their energy and time. By taking health and lacking in related knowledge into account, it is suggested that students should leave stock market. Secondly, the students can hardly assume the risk as they have no fixed income and most of their capital comes from their parents. So, college students dealing in stocks is likely to make problems for their parents. 
