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随笔式杂感:短篇小说管窥Peep into Short Stories

时间:2008-09-04来源:作文地带栏目:Essay作者:网络资源 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
短篇小说管窥 【内容提示】 假定你们学校每个班级都组织有文学社团。最近,高二年级举办了一次短篇小说写作比赛,挑选出数十篇写得好的搞了一次展览,各种题材的小说都有。请你写一篇随笔,设想几种你认为有内容可写的题材作一番评论。 下列词语供参考: 1.

1.association n.协会;社团
3.criticism n.批评
4.immature a.未成熟的
Peep into Short Stories
In our school every class has its own literature association. Recently a short story writing competition was held in Senior Grade Two. The result was encouraging. A number of articles stood out and they were picked out for an exhibition.
In their stories some students painted beautiful pictures for their futures and some expressed their longings. One of the students was bold enough to write a story commenting① on“calf-love”----the  most sensitive② topic for high school students. He wrote:“A big part of people, especially those elders think‘calf-love’isn't any good. It should be given up. But I don't aGREe.Another student made a sharp criticism on the most unreasonable phenomenon he had ever come across. ”
In his story he stated: “I once met a pitiful old woman who was driven out of home by her daughter-in-law because she had no income to support herself. How cruel and hardhearted that daughter-in-law was! Suppose her own children were to treat her in this same way when she gets old, what would happen to her and how would she feel?”In all, the students expressed themselves freely and expressed feelings of love, hate and jealousy③ in their stories.
Still immature as we are, we've learnt to observe④ with our own eyes and to solve problems by ourselves. Anyhow, we are on our way to maturity. Not only are we eager to understand society but we also want to be understood!
②sensitive['sensitiv] a.敏感的
③jealousy['dNel+si] n.妒忌;嫉妒

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