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A Lecture on Space Flight(一次航天飞行讲座)

时间:2008-08-13来源:liuxuepaper.Com栏目:Essay作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
A Lecture on Space Flight(一次航天飞行讲座) A Lecture on Space Flight Last Saturday I attended a lecture on space flight. I am glad that I have learned a lot about space. Now I know something about the structure of a space rocket and under

A Lecture on Space Flight(一次航天飞行讲座)

A Lecture on Space Flight
Last Saturday I attended a lecture on space flight. I am glad that I have learned a lot about space. Now I know something about the structure of a space rocket and understand the importance of space flight to mankind. I become interested in space.
Yesterday I borrowed several books on space from the school library. I want to be a space scientist in the future.

A Lecture on Space Flight(一次航天飞行讲座)

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