Shanghai Pudong Road and Bridge Co., Ltd. is principally engaged in construction of roads and bridges, manufacture and distribution of asphaltum products, as well as environment protection industry. The Company’s road and bridge projects include middle ring road Pudong section, airport north road and inner ring road acceleration and modification project, among others. The Company operates its businesses primarily in Shanghai, Anhui province, Jiangsu province and Zhejiang province, China. During the year ended December 31, 2009, the Company obtained approximately 95.9% of its total revenue from road and bridge projects. As of December 31, 2009, the Company had eight subsidiaries and four affiliates, which involved in investment and construction of infrastructure projects, manufacture and distribution of asphaltum products, environment protection industry and provision of financial services.Address:
Flr 24, Qianjiang Building No 971 Dongfang Road PudongShanghai, SHA 200122
+86-21-58206677 (Phone)
+86-21-68765759 (Fax)