Guangxi Guidong Electric Power Co., LTD is principally engaged electric power generation and distribution. The Company operates hydroelectric power stations. During the year ended December 31, 2010, the Company generated 1.134 billion kilowatt-hours of electric power and sold 2.896 billion kilowatt-hours of electric power. In addition, the Company involves in the production and distribution of middle-high voltage electronic aluminum foils, trading business of petroleum products, as well as provision of travel and electric power design consulting services. The Company primarily distributes its electric power to Hezhou, Wuzhou, Guangdong and Hunan. As of December 31, 2010, the Company had nine holding subsidiaries and two affiliates, which involved in generation, production and distribution of electric power and electronic products, as well as other businesses.Address:
No. 12, Ping An West RoadHezhou, GUX 542800
+86-774-5297796 (Phone)
+86-774-5285255 (Fax)