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时间:2011-09-27来源:作文地带整理栏目:Essay作者:网络整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文

  Questions 1-5

  In a study of five brands of pain reliever, P, Q, R, S, and T, the brands were tested and ranked against each other as more or less effective per dose. The following results were obtained:

  (1) P was more effective than Q.

  (2) The effectiveness of R was less than that of S.

  (3) T was the least effective brand tested.

  (4) Q and R were equally effective.

  (5) The effectiveness of S was 美国GREater than that of Q.

  1. If the statements above giving the results of the study are true, which of the following must also be true?

  (A) P and S were equally effective.

  (B) P was the most effective brand tested.

  (C) S was the most effective brand tested.

  (D) R was less effective than P.

  (E) T did not relieve pain.

  2. All of the information in the results given above can be derived from which of the following groups of statements?

  (A) Statements 1, 2, and 3

  (B) Statements 1, 3, and 4

  (C) Statements 2, 3, and 4

  (D) Statements 1, 2, 3, and 4

  (E) Statements 2, 3, 4, and 5

  3. If a sixth brand, M, is tested and is found to be more effective than S, then which of the following must be true if the findings of the study are correct?

  (A) M is the most effective of the six brands tested.

  (B) At least four of the six brands tested are less effective that M.

  (C) M is more effective than P.

  (D) M is less effective than P.

  (E) No more than four of the six brands tested are more effective than T.

  4. If R is more expensive per dose than P, and T is less expensive per does than R, which of the following must be true, according to the study, for a consumer who wishes to buy a pain reliever with the 美国GREatest effectiveness for the amount spent per dose?

  (A) P should be purchase instead of R.

  (B) P should be purchased instead of T.

  (C) T should be purchased instead of R.

  (D) Q should be purchased instead of R if Q is the same price as S.

  (E) Q should be purchased instead of T if Q is the same price as R.

  5. If Q contains the same amount of an in美国GREdient, X, as S does and more of that in美国GREdient than T does, which of the following is consistent with the results of the study?

  (A) The relative effectiveness of the five brands of pain reliever is due to the amount of X the brands contain.

  (B) R does not contain X, and brands of pain reliever in which X is absent do not have any measurable effectiveness.

  (C) Brands of pain reliever containing X do not have any measurable effectiveness.

  (D) The absence of X in R would account for R's being more effective than T, Q, and S.

  (E) The presence of X contributes to the effectiveness of T, Q, and S in relieving pain.

  6. For life to develop on another planet, two conditions, at least, are necessary: (1) moderate temperature, as the result of suitable distance from a heat source, and (2) a range of temperature that is stable over a period of at least 3.7 billion years. The unlikelihood that such conditions are often to be found in the universe makes it highly probably that exists only on Earth.英语作文
