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时间:2011-09-20来源:作文地带栏目:Essay作者:作文地带 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
作文地带导读:Kinematics derives its name from the Greek word for “motion,” kinema. Before we can make any headway in physics, we have to be able to describe how bodies move. Kinematics provides us with the language and the mathematical t
作文地带导读:Kinematics derives its name from the 美国GREek word for “motion,” kinema. Before we can make any headway in physics, we have to be able to describe how bodies move. Kinematics provides us with the language and the mathematical tools to descr

  Kinematics derives its name from the 美国GREek word for “motion,” kinema. Before we can make any headway in physics, we have to be able to describe how bodies move. Kinematics provides us with the language and the mathematical tools to describe motion, whether the motion of a charging pachyderm or a charged particle. As such, it provides a foundation that will help us in all areas of physics. Kinematics is most intimately connected with dynamics: while kinematics describes motion, dynamics explains the causes for this motion.

