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时间:2011-09-29来源:网络整理栏目:Essay作者:网络整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文



  Time –30 minutes

  25 Questions

  1.Joyce: Three years ago the traffic commission

  modified our town's busiest intersection for

  better visibility, a commendable effort to cut

  down on traffic accidents there.

  Gary: Over the past three years there have been

  more, not fewer, traffic accidents per week at

  that intersection, so the modification has

  increased the likelihood of accidents there

  The answer to which of the following questions

  would be most useful in evaluating Gary's argument?

  (A) What proportion of the town's drivers involved

  in accidents that occurred prior to the

  modification suffered personal injury in their


  (B) How long, on average, had the members of the

  traffic commission held their offices when the

  modification was implemented?

  (C) Do a majority of the town's residents approve of

  the traffic commission's overall performance?

  (D) What measures have nearby towns taken within

  the last three years in order to improve visibil-

  ity at dangerous intersections?

  (E) How has the volume of traffic at the town's

  busiest intersection changed over the last three


  2. Women make up the majority of the population in the

  country, and many of the prescriptions written by

  doctors for tranquilizers are for women patients. The

  testing of these drugs for efficacy and the calibration

  of recommended doses, however, was done only on

  men. Not even the animals used to test toxicity were


  The statements above, if true, best support which of

  the following as a conclusion?

  (A) Some tranquilizers are more appropriately pre-

  scribed for women than for men.

  (B) There have been no reports of negative side

  effects from prescribed tranquilizers in women

  (C) Tranquilizers are prescribed for patients in some

  instances when doctors do not feel confident of

  their diagnoses.

  (D) The toxicity of drugs to women is less than the

  toxicity of the same drugs to men.

  (E) Whether the recommended dosages of tranquil-

  izers are optimal for women is not known.


  Questions 3-8

  A landscape designer has available two trees each of eight different species

  —linden, maple, pine, quince, redbud, spruce, tupelo, and walnut—from which

  a selection must be made for planting at two different locations. For planting

  at each location, the designer will select exactly four trees, representing four

  different tree species, according to the following conditions:

  If quince is planted at location 1, spruce cannot be planted at location 2.英语作文
