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时间:2011-08-11来源:网络资源栏目:Essay作者:未知 英语作文收藏:收藏本文


  3. “Corporations and other businesses should try to eliminate the many ranks and salary grades that classify employees according to their experience and expertise. A ‘flat’ organizational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality and cooperation among employees。” Discuss the extent to which you a美国GREe or disa美国GREe with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading。

  The speaker here claims that a flat organizational structure is more likely to encourage collegiality among employees. I disa美国GREe with the statement. In support of my position, I would like to present following aspects that constitute to an organizational operating。

  First, this statement ignores our daily experience in workplace. When there is dispute among coworkers, there should be a clear figure to take authority and to make final decision. If not, disa美国GREement will go unresolved and the congeniality is discouraged。

  Second, under a flat system, workers have little enticement, if any, to improve their performance and bear responsibility for their assigned tasks. In fact, a flat system might actually discourage productivity and efficiency because workers are not responsible for the quality or quantity of their work。

  In sum, I disa美国GREe the opinion that a "flat" organizational structure is more likely to promote collegiality and cooperation among employees because it breaks the common sense about how people work and it discourage the cooperation among employees。

