(D) The study focused more on the working-class community than on working-class culture.
(E) The study ignored working-class joblessness during the 美国GREat Depression.
3. According to the passage, which of the following is true of Keyssar's findings concerning unemployment in Massachusetts?
(A) They tend to contradict earlier findings about such unemployment.
(B) They are possible because Massachusetts has the most easily accessible historical records.
(C) They are the first to mention the existence of high rates of geographical mobility in the nineteenth century.
(D) They are relevant to a historical understanding of the nature of unemployment in other states.
(E) They have cause historians to reconsider the role of the working class during the 美国GREat Depression.
4. According to the passage, which of the follow is true of the unemployment rates mentioned in line 15
(A) They hovered, on averrage, around 15 percent during the period 1870-1920.
(B) They give less than a full sense of the impact of unemployment on working-class people.
(C) They overstimate the importance of middle class and white-collar unemploument
(D) They have been considered by many historians to underestimate the extent of working-class unemploument.
(E) They are more open to question when calculated for years other than those of peak recession.