1、 一个圆以原点为圆心,一条直线与它相切与(-根号2,根号2),问该直线斜率 答案:1
2、 一个圆以原点为圆心,1为半径,一个直线过原点且斜率为1,问与它交于下列哪个点。答案:(根号2/2,根号2/2)
3、to bid a project, the cost includes material cost and labor cost, ask the percentage of X's bid cost to Y's bid cost?
a.X's costs are 20% higher than labor costs and 10% higher than material costs.
b. Of total costs', Y'S 60% are labor costs.
(今天让我最头疼的一道题,和去年2月的73th JJ不同, 犹豫半天,选了个E)
4、给出一个table, 上面是八个国家的per####, 问能得出下面的什么。(简单,都是基本数字对比,送分题)
5、一种酒,用bottle装,用船运给买家。单价40$, 买n瓶时,需要付的钱有包括酒价和运费,运费又包括两部分,一是全部酒价的5%,二是每运一船的5$.问,如果最后算出每瓶酒包括运费在内的实际价格小于42.5$, n 最小是多少. 答案:11
6、x1 (1)每一个数都是前一个数的两倍
7、 x/2为整数,x/3是整数,问x能不能被12整除
8、几张牌 分别是 35 28 64 57 (数字不准),抽出一张,问剩下的range 是多少。
1) 抽出的是5的倍数
2) 抽出的是odd number.
差点就选a了,应选d. 问的是range.(最大和最小的都是even )
9、A company ‘s profit increased x percent in 1980 than 1975, and increased y percent in 1985 than in 1980, what percent increased in 1985 than 1975.
1) x+y=4
2) (1+x/100)( 1+y/100)=4
10、The area of a round pool is 63, and the area of a passage around the pool is 18, ask the width of the passage is most approximate to which of the following answer
2.0 1.5 1.0 1.3
要知道根号7的值,可是把我算死了,我选了1.0 还有一题要知道根号10,大家记一下,免得到时候抓狂
11、to bid a project, the cost includes material cost and labor cost, ask the percentage of X's bid cost to Y's bid cost?
a.X's costs are 20% higher than labor costs and 10% higher than material costs.
b. Of total costs', Y'S 60% are labor costs.