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时间:2011-09-09来源:网络资源栏目:Essay作者:网络资源 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
作文地带导读:SECTION Ⅲ Time-35 minutes 26 Questions Directions: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages For some questions more than one of the choices could conceivably answer th
作文地带导读:SECTION Ⅲ Time-35 minutes 26 Questions Directions: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages For some questions more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. Ho



  Time-35 minutes


  26 Questions


  Directions: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages For some questions more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. However you are to choose the best answer that is the response that most accurately and completely answers the question. You should not make assumptions that are answer blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet


  1.The painted spiders spins webs that are much stickier than the webs spun by the other species of spiders that share the same habitat. Stickler webs are more efficient at trapping insects that fly into them. Spiders prey on insects by trapping them in their webs therefore. If can be concluded that the painted spider is a more successful predator than its competitors


  Which one of the following if true most seriously weakens the argument?


  (A) Not all of the species of insects living in the painted spider's habitat are flying insects

  (B) Butterflies and moths which can shed scales are especially unlikely to be trapped by spider webs that are not very sticky

  (C) Although the painted spider's venom does not kill insects quickly. It paralyzes them almost instantaneously

  (D) Stickier webs reflect more light and so are more visible to insects than are less-sticky webs.

  (E) The webs spun by the painted spider are no larger than the webs spun by the other species of spiders in the same habitat


  2.Despite the best efforts of astronomers, no one has yet succeeded in exchanging messages with intelligent life on other planets or in other solar systems. In fact, no one has even managed to prove that any kind of extraterrestrial life exists. Thus, there is clearly no intelligent life anywhere but on Earth.


  The argument's reasoning is flawed because the argument


  (A) fails to consider that there might be extraterrestrial forms of intelligence that are not living beings

  (B) confuses an absence of evidence for a nypothesis with the existence of evidence against the hypothesis

  (C) interprets a disa美国GREement over a scientitic theory as a disproof of that theory

  (D) makes an inference that relies on the vagueness of the term "life"

  (E) relies on a weak analogy rather than on evidence to draw a conclusion


  Questions 3-4


  Bart: A mathematical problem that defied solution for hundreds of years has finally yielded to a supercomputer. The process by which the supercomputer derived the result is so complex. However, that no one can fully comprehend it. Consequently, the result is unacceptable.
