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时间:2011-09-14来源:作文地带整理栏目:Essay作者:网络整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
(C) The response of the ITC to the complaint provided suitable relief from unfair trade practices to the complainant. (D) The ITC did not have access to appropriate information concerning the case. (

  (C) The response of the ITC to the complaint provided suitable relief from unfair trade practices to the complainant.

  (D) The ITC did not have access to appropriate information concerning the case.

  (E) Each of the companies involved in the complaint acted in its own best interest.

  7. According to the passage, companies have the general impression that International Trade Commission import relief practices have(答案在第二段第一句话)

  (A) caused unpredictable fluctuations in volumes of imports and exports

  (B) achieved their desired effect only under unusual circumstances

  (C) actually helped companies that have requested import relief

  (D) been opposed by the business community

  (E) had less impact on international companies than the business community expected

  8. According to the passage, the International Trade Commission is involved in which of the following?

  (A) Investigating allegations of unfair import competition

  (B) Granting subsidies to companies in the United States that have been injured by import competition

  (C) Recommending legislation to ensure fair

  (D) Identifying international corporations that wish to build plants in the United States

  (E) Assisting corporations in the United States that wish to compete globally

  参考答案:BDED DBCA

