评析:这篇文章的主要失误来自作者未能仔细审题便下笔一蹴而就,题目所讨论的对象明明是Public Figures,从头到尾讨论的主体居然成了Public,说他们如何如何关注明星隐私,说他们如何如何设身处地地为明星们着想,最后总结说是公众应还明星们于自由之躯,把一上来合理的“否定回应”抛之脑后,从而导致文章“答非所问”。考虑到文章一上来合理回应,以及不错的语言表达,仅有几处不起眼的拼写错误,应判为“2分”(有严重错误类文章)。
(1)审题的原则:“字斟句酌,明确对象”,我们读题就是要弄懂题目要让我们干什么,然后才能相应知道该怎么干。PTE作文都是议论文,写议论文就好比 “打仗”,知己知彼方能百战不殆。这个题目不难读懂,先翻译如下:“公众人物,例如演员、政治家和运动员等应该预料到人们对他们私生活的关注。当他们决定成为公众角色时,他们应该料到自己的一些隐私将被供之于众。”显然,经过审题,我们发现题目探讨的是公众人物“是否应该”预料到自己隐私的暴光。话题将讨论设定在这个范围内,同时给出了一个参考的见解,“他们当然应该知道”,并给出理由,“他们自己决定成为公众人物”。整个话题是个“should”类型的 ISSUE(详细分类见后文),前后句呈”因果关系“(执果索因)。这才是完整的审题,才是完整正确把握文章的第一步。
(2)回应的原则:“攻其一点,兼顾其余”。也就是说,回应要找准重点,其余部分只须略微带过,作到“回应重点突出而全面”,这点在ISSUE和“ARGUMENT” 中都是普遍适用的大前提原则,也是“高分作文”的要领之一。这里我们已经知道作这篇文章要从“公众人物”自身出发,以他们的角度来看待自己隐私是否该暴光的问题,这样我们就找到中心回应点是“should expect”,对象是“public figures”,而例证可以充分利用话题的友好提示:列举的三种人,选择熟悉易于表达的来充实论证,免了自己的劳神工夫,这种资源一定要善加利用,一方面可充实论据,另一方面,作到了兼顾其他,全面回应的原则。下面的范文采取APTEE的态度,采用should类文章的清晰“套路”,作到了合理回应,请读者就这方面仔细分析。
A million times I have heard the accident regarding a certain famous star shouted to separate fervid journalists and interviews from various media outside his or her door, which finally results a farce of quarrel and fight. Sometimes I really hate those drab reporters, who surprisingly have the endless power and fresh tricks to snatch almost each shadow of celebrities together with the innate ability to embellish them so "fascinating". At the same time those public figures shriek for their overexposure of privacy I am always pity for their embarrassment, for their career they really have no better choice but to tolerate, for their legitimate rights they had better struggle against the privacy revelation. But most of them, in the end, choose the former despite without any mustered negotiation.
It is obvious to take into mind that being a public cynosure the first thing one has to be even eager to sacrifice is the privacy, in that the quality of public is just the opposite of privacy, in the rim of relationship, either one can only be maintained. The fundamental aim for a celebrity is to stand strong in the sight of public and win over the precious approbation from his or her fans. So packing oneself in his single world can help nothing to add his reputation, what he strives to do is the reverse-anatomize oneself in front of the public stares and acclaim for his names being praised or criticized in the sun-then can he make himself known out of the nonplus of being forgotten and lose his prestige in public. As a result, the condition of privacy being traced and published is no more a paramount incidence but under the prediction of them; after all, no reports, no celebrities.英语作文